PES activists România a primit zilele acestea un mesaj de mulţumire şi de susţinere din partea preşedintelui Partidului Socialiştilor Europeni, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, pentru activitatea programata la Târgu Mureş dar şi pentru întreaga sa activitate.

Acest lucru demonstrează faptul că activitatea celor peste 2000 de membrii ai PES activists România şi a organizaţiilor noastre locale este apreciată la Bruxelles de către conducerea stângii europene. Vă mulţumim pentru efortul şi susţinerea dvs. şi mulţumim celor din conducerea PSD la nivel local şi naţional care au susţinut iniţiativa şi activităţile noastre.

Mesajul preşedintelui PES:
Dear Friends,
Dear Members of the citygroup in Tirgu Mures,

On behalf of the Party of European Socialists I would like to sincerely thank you for organising “Meet the People, Meet Tirgu Mures” in Romania at the end of this month. PES activists such as yourselves, have played a key role in building our Party, and today form the essential foundation of our movement. Thank you very much for all your work.

I am confident your exchange program and your debates on Social Democracy will be successful. I am most pleased to hear that the response by citygroups to your call to participate has been strong. As you are aware, we need to win as many elections as we can so we can recover the influence of the Left on the European council, it is through the sharing of ideas that we can most successfully achieve this goal.

The cooperation between the PES and activists in Romania has always been close, and is set to become even closer. I am confident that together we will renew, revive and win back Europe.

Yours in Solidarity,
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen,
Party of European Socialists

HAIDEȚI SĂ LUCRĂM ÎMPREUNĂ!, 2019 © All Rights Reserved PES activists România