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PES Activists Romania pe site-ul și newsletter-ul Party of European Socialists – PES activists România

Pes Activists Romania pe situl și newsletterul Party of European Socialists grație ultimului forum național organizat în România.
„The PES recently launched a European Youth Plan designed to underline the need for concrete measures from the EU to help young people. In order to make a true change we need to involve them in the process. This is why, today, PES activists Romania is starting a citizens’ initiative designed to wave the age restrictions imposed by the Romanian law to candidacies. If an 18 year old can vote, he/she should be able for instance to run for a local office before he/she have 23 years old. Our campaign is designed to fight against all discrimination existing in politics” explained the PES activists National Coordinator, MEP Victor Negrescu.

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HAIDEȚI SĂ LUCRĂM ÎMPREUNĂ!, 2019 © All Rights Reserved PES activists România